Marketing Assistant Cover Letter Examples - Cowrite

Marketing Assistant Cover Letter

Created by Cowrite's Cover Letter Builder

Marketing Assistant Cover Letter

Scroll down and be inspired by our example of a cover letter for a position as a marketing assistant. The cover letter is created with our text robot Cowrite, a service that lets you answer simple questions and then choose between different suggestions of a cover letter. All suggestions are customized for you and the job you’re applying for.

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Red Bull's new marketing assistant

I am currently majoring in marketing at University of San Francisco. As I am looking to graduate in the near future, I have started searching for interesting job opportunities. When I read the ad for the marketing assistant position at Red Bull, I knew right away that I wanted to apply for the job.

I am convinced I am the right person for the job!

There are several reasons why I believe I would be a good fit for you.

First, I would like to address my work experience. In addition to my studies, I work as web administrator at VF Services. During the one year I have worked here, I have learned a lot about content management, which I believe could translate into a real advantage for Red Bull.

My educational background is also a good fit for the demands placed on your new marketing assistant. In addition to everything I learned in my classes as a marketing major, studying at University of San Francisco also gave me a large network and valuable experiences of a different kind.

When working as a marketing assistant, it is important to have the right traits for the job. I am not afraid to attempt new creative solutions to the problems I encounter. I am also strategic person who tries to look at various situations from a holistic perspective.

A cover letter can say a lot about a person, but certainly far from everything. I have my fingers crossed in the hope that I will get to meet you to tell you more about myself, and how I might contribute to the future success of Red Bull.


Michael Micanovic