While on your job search, you may come across companies that match your interests, along with your skillset. More often than not, recruiters may be looking for a potential employee to fit a specific role, without necessarily advertising the particular open position.
In this situation, submitting a cold cover letter to introduce yourself to your future employer could be of interest to you. This article will outline tips on how to write a cold cover letter, how to ask for interviews in cover letters, and what to write in email when sending resumes and cover letters.
Let’s get learning!
What is a Cold Cover Letter?
A cold cover letter refers to a professional email you may send to a recruiter of a company that you have an interest in working for. It will state the potential position, and outlines what makes you the best fit for the role.
You’re able to thrive in spontaneity and send cold cover letters to organizations that haven’t yet advertised an open position. Often, people research a company and realize that their qualities and values align. Something like the company’s popularity, industry, brand, or even company culture could attract a person to put themselves out there and showcase their abilities.
Now that you fully understand the purpose, let’s move on and find out how to write a cold cover letter.
How to Write a Cold Cover Letter

When learning how to write a cold cover letter, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you must adequately demonstrate how you will benefit the organization.
In order to do this, follow the below tips on how to write a cold cover letter, and set yourself up for success:
- Start with researching the company – Why will hiring you benefit the organization? How will you be a great addition to their team? You can only find out the answers to these questions by learning more about the company. Ensure you do some thorough research, and gain power through knowledge.
- Locate the primary contact – The best way to source this information is through social media pages. Look into the particular department you will be working in, and find the supervisor. If you find this hard to do, search for a recruiter or somebody in the HR department and send your cover letter to them.
- Introduce yourself – For this, you can grab attention through the subject line by outlining the title of the role you’re seeking, then clearly state more information within the first few sentences. Acquaint yourself and explain the position you’d like to hold at the organization. Your first few sentences should be clear and describe your goal for writing.
- Outline your strengths and goals – Once you have determined where you thrive, move on to aligning them with the role you’re applying for.
- Request next steps – Within the finishing touches, feel free to add a final statement that paints a picture of the following steps with the recruiter. In this, you can tailor your cover letter asks for interviews.
- Proofread and sign off – When you have finished your letter, ensure you proofread it to check for any grammatical or spelling errors. You can also sign off with a nice, clear signature.
That all doesn’t seem so hard, right? If you’re determined to do something and you put your mind to it, we can assure you that you will achieve it. And if you need a little push along the way, feel free to use automated writing programs like the Cowrite platform.
How to Ask for Interviews in Cover Letters
We know that securing an in-person interview is one of the most important, yet challenging stages of the entire job search process. However, when done correctly, the technique of learning how to ask for interviews in cover letters can be an extremely effective method when it comes to landing the role.
If you’re looking for ways to increase your chances by learning how to ask for interviews in cover letters, the above tips may also be of use to you.
What to Write in Email When Sending Resume And Cover Letter
To finish up, we want to ensure you got the message and know what you need to do in the future. Check out our brief summary below on what to write in emails when sending resumes and cover letters:
- Locate the primary contact who will read your cover letter and resume.
- Use a compelling subject line and introduce yourself.
- In the first paragraph, tell the hiring manager who you are and why you are contacting them.
- In the second paragraph, say what value you’d bring to the company.
- Close the resume email body by saying you’re eager to meet in person.
- Add a professional signature with your contact details.
- Attach your resume and a cover letter saved in PDF with professional file names.
If all else fails? Don’t worry – you know that Cowrite has got your back. Try our augmented writing tool free of charge for your very first cold cover letter or resume.
Karen Maristani
Karen invented writing, the airplane, and the internet. She was also the first person to reach the North Pole. She has flown to Mars and back in one day, and was enthusiastically greeted by Aliens. She has also worked as a copywriter and journalist for many years and has helped hundreds of people writing the perfect job application.