How to Begin a Cover Letter that Stands Out - Cowrite
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How to Begin a Cover Letter

How to Begin a Cover Letter

Knowing how to begin a cover letter can be daunting for most. What do you include? What shouldn’t you include? Should you introduce yourself? What is the best way to start a cover letter?

Fortunately, the formula for a successful cover letter isn’t hard to follow. All you need to do is convey enthusiasm, authenticity, and ensure you highlight all of the qualifications that make you a fantastic fit for the job.

Behind every single outstanding CV out there, is an even better cover letter that outlines why the employer should choose you for the role. The time to stop staring at a blank screen is now.

We’ve already covered what precisely a cover letter is, and now, we’re going to provide you with a step-by-step guide that is sure to help you get started.

Do Your Research

How to begin a cover letter

First, before anything else, you need to do your research. Take the time out and look into the job you’re applying for, and the company itself.

Keep the below research tips in mind before you get started:

  • What does the organization do?
  • Who are they up against? Who are their competitors?
  • Can you find out their target audience?
  • What does the role you’re applying for involve?
  • What are the essential skills you need to stand out?

The answers to the above questions should be easy to find through research on the web. With this information in mind, you’ll be off to a great start. Now, you can clearly link up your skills and abilities with what the employer is looking for.

Although the research may take some time to get together, it’s definitely worth it. It’s going to give you all the knowledge you need to tailor your cover letter and CV to match the organization’s style, and will even demonstrate that you obtain a genuine interest in the role.

How to Title a Cover Letter

The best way to start a cover letter is by simply choosing a title.

For this, you should title your cover letter file: “First-Name-Last-Name-Target-Job-Title-Cover-Letter.”

To break it down with an example: “John-Doe-Assistant-Manager-Cover-Letter.pdf” would be a great cover letter file name.

When you use your full name and the title of the job you’re applying for, then separate it by using underscores or dashes, you’ll allow the hiring manager to be able to identify your file immediately.

Let’s face it; these guys probably receive hundreds of applications – so if anything, you’re standing out alone for doing them a simple favor.

Now that you’ve got the research covered and know how to title a cover letter, let’s move on to the introduction.

Next up, we discuss how to introduce yourself in a cover letter.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Cover Letter

Many often ask whether an introduction in a cover letter is necessary. Our answer? Yes, yes it is.

Go ahead and introduce yourself by stating your name, the role you’re applying for, and how you came across it in the first place.

Check out this example as a helping hand:

”My name is John Doe, and I’m applying for the open Sales Manager position listed on Reed.”

A simple introduction like this is one of the best ways to start a cover letter. It’s traditional, it’s simple, and it’s straight to the point. However, with this in mind, there are other best cover letter opening lines that can really set you apart.

Let’s find out what they are.

Best Cover Letter Opening Lines

Man writing cover letter on laptop

When applying for any role, the first and most important tool you’re going to use is the attention-grabber. Your first and only goal is to grab the attention of your future employer, and it’s done through your cover letter.

A cover letter is the golden key when you’re looking to highlight all of the reasons why the company should choose you. It’s there to demonstrate your ability to communicate your unique value proposition effectively. Hence, why the best cover letter opening lines can work wonders.

In the world of job applications, there is no one best way to start a cover letter. All we know is that you must ensure you hook the employer, so they continue learning more about who you are.

With this in mind, you can try to make your letter stand out with a few techniques. Here are four of the best cover letter opening lines.

1. Title & Successes

So, what is the best way to start a cover letter? Well, your job title and accomplishments are a great place to start. Although commonly used, we know that they are highly effective.

The idea of it all is that you must ensure you don’t dawdle and get straight to the point. It would be best if you used your most impressive and relevant accomplishments to explain your worth through brief storytelling.

2. Emotion Expresses Commitment

One of the best cover letter opening lines revolves around expressing emotion and excitement for the role itself. If you’re excited, let them know! This will ultimately translate into how motivated and dedicated you will be when working for the company.

3. Did We Mention Keywords?

Keywords are everything nowadays, regardless of what platform you’re on. In search engines, keywords help to push websites to the first page; on social media, they’re used all over your newsfeed, and in recruitment? Well, they may just help you land your dream job.

Larger companies usually have applicant tracking systems, which they regularly use throughout recruitment. This means that one of the best ways to start your cover letter is to make it keyword-heavy. If you manage to use the right ones, there’s a good chance your cover letter gets noticed and read.

4. Did You Check the News?

It’s all about being unique, right? Well, this option is sure to impress your employers, and even demonstrate how knowledgeable you are of the world around you.

Take the time out and search recent news regarding the company you’re applying for. Then, go ahead and tie it into your job opening. You can do this by explaining why the information makes you think you’d succeed in your role.

The Conclusion

Now that you know how to begin a cover letter, you can take all of the above into account and work your magic. Make it enjoyable, stand out, and meet all of your goals.

If you’re still finding yourself stuck on how to begin a cover letter, check out our enhanced writing technology here at Cowrite. This will help you to write your texts in minutes instead of hours. And best of all – the quality of your cover letter will reach a level you never thought possible.

Karen Maristani

Karen invented writing, the airplane, and the internet. She was also the first person to reach the North Pole. She has flown to Mars and back in one day, and was enthusiastically greeted by Aliens. She has also worked as a copywriter and journalist for many years and has helped hundreds of people writing the perfect job application.

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