You have already created a flawless CV, and now, it’s time to send off your application for the advertised role. But wait, where’s your cover letter?
Sure, you could just submit your CV without it, but don’t you want to stand out? Don’t you want to show the organization why they should choose you for the role? Of course you do; that’s why you need to open up a word document and start writing.
You’re sure to have many questions like: ”how long should a cover letter be?”, ”how many words should a cover letter be?”, ”can a cover letter be two pages?”, and maybe even ”how many pages should a CV be?”.
We know it can all be pretty daunting at first. After all, too short a cover letter, and it may seem generic and lacking in effort. Too long? And you may come across as unfocused.
The goal is to ensure your potential employer only spends a limited amount of time reading your letter. To make this happen, we’re going to answer all of the above questions and help you create a compelling, brief description of who you are, and where your values and skills lie.
Let’s get started.
So, How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?
Well, many say that a cover letter should be around half a page, to one full page in length. As a general rule of thumb, try to limit your letter length to four paragraphs. Open each one with a brief topic sentence, and close with an attention-grabbing final thought.
How Many Words Should a Cover Letter Be?
To keep it simple, check out the below length characteristics:
- Page Count: 0.5 to 1
- Word count: 250 to 400
- Paragraph count: 3 to 6
Can a Cover Letter Be Two Pages?

Many often ask the question, ”can a cover letter be two pages?”. The answer is not as easy as a yes or no. It all really depends on the job requirements, letter format, the industry you’re in, employer preferences, and just how experienced you are.
In case you’re unaware, a two-page cover letter refers to a communication that introduces all of your qualifications and achievements in two sheets instead of just one. It acts as a supporting document in the job application.
While a one-page letter is the ‘norm’ in many industries, there are certain circumstances in which extending the letter to two pages can work.
Let’s check out the components of a two-page cover letter:
- The Header – Personalize your header with your name and contact details. You can also use this inside your resume.
- The Greeting – A greeting that formally addresses the recruiter, for instance, ”Dear Ms. Doe.”
- The Interest – This is where you lay out your interest in the job. It includes your name, and the position you’re applying for.
- The Introduction – A section that introduces your qualifications: your letter should include a strong introduction, including your education, skills, and any applicable achievements.
- The Qualifications – Your qualifications help you when trying to match the employer’s expectations. They act as evidence that you meet the job description criteria, and should definitely be highlighted.
- The Skills – This section includes why you are the perfect fit for the job, and can be related to corporate values and goals.
- The Next Step – Your cover letter should demonstrate your impulse by insinuating steps in which your application can be moved forward.
How Many Pages Should a CV Be?
Now that we know the answers to how long should a cover letter be, we can move on and talk about CVs.
So, how many pages should a CV be? Well, recruiters and employers seek CVs to find out whether or not your qualified for the advertised position. Your CV should focus on all of your achievements in both professional and educational roles.
A CV should be long and detailed enough so that it can help the recruiter understand the experience and value you’re able to provide to their organization.
To simply answer the question of ”how many pages should a CV be?” – it’s best kept at around two to three pages. There is no strict requirement on the length, but two to three pages will help the recruiter digest your experience easier.
Graduate students and those with limited work experience can keep their CV to around one page to summarize the qualifications.
Whatever way you look at it, a CV should be as long as necessary to include all of your accomplishments and other essential details relevant for the job.
For a helping hand in writing a CV or a cover letter, check out the cutting edge technology Cover Letter Builder we brought to life right here at Cowrite. It exists to help those who may struggle, write an attention-grabbing, professional cover letter in just a few minutes. Created by experts using the latest technology, we allow you to set yourself apart with bright ideas and credibility.
Karen Maristani
Karen invented writing, the airplane, and the internet. She was also the first person to reach the North Pole. She has flown to Mars and back in one day, and was enthusiastically greeted by Aliens. She has also worked as a copywriter and journalist for many years and has helped hundreds of people writing the perfect job application.